Renewed & Refreshed

Do you ever walk through your home and wish you could snap your fingers and make some changes? You don’t want a complete overhaul; you just want to use some of the same things but give them different purposes or placement. Perhaps you’re going through a season in your life that you need something new and happy. Here at The Wreath Stand, we like to call it refreshing our decor and our hearts. Personally, I like to call it, “Rachel…help me with my decor; and Lord, help me with my heart!” 


“Refreshing” is all about bringing new life and energy to your space as well as your life, which is a perfect theme after Easter – New Life! Spring is a fun time to revive your home with new flowers, different pillows, and new scented candles. Often, you can even move decor from other rooms for a completely different vibe. 


Some easy things that I like changing are my kitchen shelves, my pillows, and bookshelves. After Easter festivities, it’s also a good time to slow down and give your soul a respite. Finding a new book and a good devotional is always good for my heart.  

When you’re ready to change things up, it’s important to remember why you’re refreshing your space. You want a peaceful, cohesive space that energizes your spirit. Pick a theme/color scheme and stick with it by finding accessories that complement each other, make you smile, and bring peace to your area. 

We’re passionate about beautiful decor because of the wonderful feeling you receive in a well designed space. Refreshing your room can take your space from being cluttered and stressful to a place that gives you energy. 

If you’re ready for something new, we’d love to walk you through some easy steps to refresh and repurpose! And if you're still feeling stuck, here’s some fun news: Rachel makes house calls! 

Until next time, be refreshed!



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